Selasa, 11 Agustus 2020

Tukang Taman Jakarta Utara Ahlinya Tanaman dan Taman Hias

Selamat Datang Di Tukang Taman Jakarta Utara Ahlinya Tanaman dan Taman Hias

Tukang Taman Jakarta Utara Ahlinya Tanaman dan Taman.Jasa Pembuatan taman murah & berkualitas jasa landacape murah,berkualitas,dan profesional,

Tukang Taman adalah tukang taman yang menawarkan jasa pembuatan taman,baik itu taman dengan skala besar,kecil,ataupun sedang,Tukang Taman tenaga kerja yang Ahli,Handal,Profesional dan pasti berkualitas,untuk pelayanan kami yang tersedia antara lain,Seperti:

Tukang Taman Jakarta Utara Ahlinya Tanaman dan Taman Melayani:

Jasa Pembuatan Taman Hias, Jasa Pembuatan Taman Minimalis, Jasa Pembuatan Taman Gedung, Jasa Pembuatan Taman Kantor, Jasa Pembuatan Taman Mall, Jasa Pembuatan Taman Apartemen, Jasa Pembuatan Taman Vertical, Jasa Pembuatan Taman Kering, Jasa Pembuatan Kolam Minimalis, Jasa Pembuatan Taman Kolam Renang, Jasa Pembuatan Relief Cadas dan lain-lain yang berhubungan dengan usaha kami.

Tukang Taman Jakarta Utara Ahlinya Tanaman dan Taman Menyediakan atau Menjual Aneka Jenis Tanaman seperti:

Tanaman Hias, Tanaman Pohon Pelindung, Tanaman Rambat, Tanaman Bunga, Tanaman Buah, Tanaman Bambu dan lain-lain.

Tukang Taman juga menyediakan Aneka Jenis Rumput seperti Rumput Gajah Mini, Rumput Jepang, Rumput Gajah Mini Varigata, Rumput Gajah Biasa, Rumput Babat, Rumput Golf dan lain-lain.


  • Menjaga sumber air pegunungan dari erosi
  • Rumput vetiver dapat tumbuh di lahan kering sekalipun mengandung pasir
  • Rumput vetiver merupakan tanaman sejenis sereh wangi yang sangat banyak sekali manfaatnya selain untuk menanggulangi bahaya longsor dapat juga untuk kerajinan tangan yang akar nya banyak di manfaatkan. dan akarnya yang wangi sangat memiliki harga jual yang tinggi karna akarnya mengandung minyak vetiver dan pengendali erosi.


Rumput vetiver , atau yang di kenal juga dengan akar wangi, dapat tumbuh di perbukitan, daratan rendah bahkan di daerah rawa, atau pada tanah yang kondisinya buruk ( bekas tambang ) baik di daerah dengan curah hujan rendah maupun curah hujan tinggi. Sejak sebuah perang dunia II akar vetiver di ambil minyaknya ( minyak atsiri ) akar vetiver menyebar luas di dalam tanah dengan panjang akar mencapai 3 meter. Hal ini sangat membantu menstabilkan tanah, vetiver dengan akarnya yang panjang menghujam kedalam tanah dapat di jadikan alternatif pengendalian longsor yang cukup murah, vetiver dapat membantu menstabilkan tebing jalan maupun lereng lereng perbukitan , caranya adalah dengan menanamnya sebagai strip rumput yang di tanam dengan cara memotong lereng atau mengikuti kontur. Jarak strip atau penanaman yaitu 20 cm tiap titik di isi dengan bibit ( pe rumpun ) rumput vetiver.

Jasa Landscape Murah - Jasa Tukang Taman Jakarta Utara

kami tukang taman group melayani jasa tukang taman, tanam rumput, tanam pohon, perapihan lahan, jasa pembuatan taman, kolam minimalis, kolam ikan hias, kolam ikan koi, kolam relief, saung, gazebo, carpot, dsb.

Kami pun menjual rumput taman :
- Rumput gajah mini
- Rumput gajah mini varigata
- Rumput gajah biasa
- Rumput jepang ( peking )
- Rumput menila
- Rumput babat
- Rumput swiss
- Rumput golf
- Rumput embun
- Rumput sintetis dengan aneka jenis.

Kami pun menjual aneka jenis tanaman hias, tanaman peneduh/pelindung.

Harga kami berani bersaing, apabila harga yang kami tawarkan lebih mahal dari yang lain. kami siap revisi harga penawaran kami.

Tukang Taman adalah profesional di bidang pertamanan, jasa pembuatan taman, kami menjual berbagai macam tanaman hias, tanaman pelindung, tanaman perdu, tanaman bonsai, tanaman air, tanaman buah, serta bibit tanaman, rumput, pot tanaman, pupuk tanaman, perawatan tanaman, menjual tanah untuk perataan lahan taman, pembuatan kolam, kolam minimalis, kolam relief, kolam air mancur, kolam kendi hias, kolam ikan modern/minimalis, pembuatan saung bambu, gazebo kelapa, pagar rumah.

Harga pembuatan taman Jakarta Utara

Untuk harga pembuatan taman dapat dibicarakan setelah di dapat data dari survey yang kami lakukan, yaitu mengenai luas lahan, keadaan lahan, jenis dan jumlah tanaman yang harus digunakan (survey GRATIS). Kemudian kami mengajukan penawaran harga yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan taman yang anda harapkan.

 Jasa tukang taman dan tanaman hias di Jakarta Utara

Cara Mudah Menanam Rumput Gajah Mini:

Rumput gajah ada beberapa macam; salah satunya rumput Gajah biasa, Rumput Gajah Mini (daunnya berwarna hijau saja dan bentuknya lebih kecil dibanding rumput gajah biasa sehinga tidak cepet panjang dan mudah merawatnya) dan Gajah Mini Varigata (bentuk daun sama dengan gajah mini, tetapi ada warna putih disetiap pinggir daunnya.

Untuk mulai menanmnya kita persiapkan:

  1. Rumput untuk bibit, untuk mendapatkannya bisa minta sama tetangga atau beli ditempat yang menjual rumput. Tukang Taman yang menyediakan lengkap segala macam Rumput, tanaman hias, pohon pelindung dan peneduh.
  2. Persiapkan lahan yang mau ditanami, pastikan lahan sudah bersih tidak ada puing", tidak ada alang" atau rumput liar dan sudah digemburkan, untuk memudahkan kita bisa mengurugnya dengan tanah yang baru atau bagus.
  3. Menanam, jika lahan sudah siap barulah bisa memulai untuk menanam dengan jarak tidak terlalu rapat dan tidak terlalu jarang.
  4. Ditumbuk atau dipadatkan, gunanya agar rumput yang sudah ditanam agar lebih merekat pada tanah tidak mudah lepas saat disiram. Rumput tidak akan mati karena cara penumbukannya dengan cara hati".
  5. Menyiram, setelah selesai proses penumbukan diharuskan segera disiram, agar rumput tidak stres bahkan mati dan kembali segar.
  6. Pupuk, berikan pupuk urea yang sudah dicampur dengan air agar rumput yang baru ditanam mendapatkan asupan gizi yang baik.

Demikian cara mudah menanam rumput gajah mini. Selamat mencoba semoga halaman anda menjadi lebih indah dan sejuk dipandang mata.


0813 8108 0939


Selasa, 07 Juli 2020

Pengembangan Link

Pengembangan link adalah salah satu topik yang paling kontroversial dan sering dibicarakan (tertulis) tentang topik industri pengoptimalan mesin telusur. Karena backlink adalah komponen yang paling vital dari setiap kampanye pengoptimalan mesin pencari, dan pada saat yang sama memakan waktu. Pekerjaan pengembangan kualitas link yang baik berfokus pada kualitas daripada kuantitas. Link yang diteliti dengan baik dan relevan dengan kualitas bagus bernilai berkali-kali lebih dari ratusan kiriman direktori gratis.
Jasa SEO Murah
Dasar-dasar pembuatan tautan selalu ada dan selalu berdasarkan konten berkualitas baik (bermanfaat, menarik, menghibur, mendidik). Karena jika tidak ada konten bagus di situs Anda yang dapat dihubungkan orang, akan sangat sulit untuk meyakinkan mereka untuk melakukannya.

Optimalisasi Kode

Pengoptimalan kode adalah layanan yang dapat Anda harapkan di tingkat tertinggi layanan pengoptimalan mesin telusur, karena melibatkan perombakan HTML situs web Anda. Optimalisasi HTML Anda dapat memengaruhi peringkat mesin telusur dengan dua cara. Pertama, ini bisa membantu mengurangi kekacauan kode, dan menyajikan konten Anda dalam format algoritma mesin pencari yang mudah dipahami (untuk mesin, yaitu mesin pencari). Kedua, ini bisa membantu mengurangi waktu buka halaman situs Anda, sehingga spider mesin pencari tidak perlu menunggu sementara halaman Anda dimuat (karena terlalu panjang, atau terlalu banyak gambar, dll).

Kampanye optimasi mesin pencari yang komprehensif akan memiliki semua elemen di atas, namun juga akan menggabungkan layanan penting lainnya seperti penelitian kata kunci, laporan peringkat, laporan lalu lintas.

Sekarang sudah waktunya website Anda berada di halaman pertama google, jangan sampai pesaing Anda selalu mendahului bisnis online Anda. Sebenarnya Anda dapat menggunakan berbagai jasa seo murah yang tersebar di Google. Hal tersebut akan mempermudah Anda untuk memastikan waktu dan biaya yang digunakan selaras dengan hasil dari jasa seo yang digunakan.

Jumat, 06 Desember 2019

Causes of Defecating a Baby with Green Color

BAB baby with green color is normal. This condition can be caused by various things, ranging from milk consumed by infants to due to the growth process. But sometimes, baby stools that turn green can also be a possibility of disease. As a parent, you need to pay attention to changes in the texture, number, and color of bowel movements in babies. Because, it is one factor that shows the health condition of your baby. A newborn baby will indeed release dark green or blackish stool called meconium. The color of stool in newborns is normal. Changes in color in baby BAB occur naturally during the process of growth and development, ranging from black or dark green, yellow, orange, red, to green. But for some conditions, a green baby's chapter can be a clue of a condition that is being experienced by the baby.

What Causes Baby's BAB to Green?

When babies are introduced to solid food, then what they consume not only affects the texture of dirt, but also its color. The green color in a baby's BAB can come from food, such as bean porridge, peas, and spinach. In addition to food consumed by infants, there are several other factors that can cause baby's bowel movements to be green, including:

1. Food consumed by nursing mothers

The food you consume can affect the quality of the milk that you give to your child. BAB baby can turn green if you eat lots of green vegetables or foods and drinks that contain green food coloring. In addition to food, iron supplements that you may be consuming can also affect the quality of breast milk and cause baby's bowel to be green.

2. Teething

When teething, the body will produce excess saliva. Little also can accidentally swallow the saliva. If you swallow too much, this saliva can change the color of baby's poop to green.

3. Foremilk or hindmilk

BAB of green babies can also occur because babies consume too much low-calorie breast milk (foremilk breast milk) or receive too little high-fat breast milk (hindmilk breast milk). Foremilk is diluted breast milk that first comes out when a mother is breastfeeding, while hindmilk is a milk that is thicker and appears at the end of the process of breastfeeding. To overcome this, let your baby suckle on one side of the breast longer to get higher milk fat. In addition, you can also start the process of breastfeeding with the side of the breast that was last smoked by Little.

4. Your child is allergic

Green BAB experienced by Little can occur because he is allergic. Allergies can be triggered by foods the baby consumes or if Little is given formula milk. Try to note, if a baby's stool is green every time given breast milk or certain foods and the condition is accompanied by a rash, itching, the baby looks fussy, or often sneezes, then it could be a sign that the baby is allergic. Immediately consult your baby to the doctor to find out the causes of allergies and how to treat them.

5. The baby is sick

BAB baby in green color can also indicate that he is suffering from an illness, such as diarrhea. You can suspect that your child has diarrhea if the frequency of your baby's bowel movements becomes more frequent than usual, looks weak, and the bowel diarrhea. Diarrhea in infants is also usually accompanied by several other symptoms, such as:
  • Fever
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Not wanting to breastfeed or eat
  • Stool is dark or accompanied by blood spots
  • Dry mouth
  • Does not shed tears when crying
  • Sleepy
  • Appear weak or inactive as usual
  • The skin is not immediately flat after being pinched
  • Eyes or cheeks look more concave
If you are aware of the symptoms above in your child, then it could be a sign that the diarrhea he suffered has caused your child to become dehydrated. The solution, give him ASI more often than usual. If you can consume solid food, give your child more milk or milk and oral rehydration fluids (such as pedialite or ORS) every time he defecates or vomits. However, if within 24 hours the diarrhea will not improve, immediately take your child to a pediatrician. You also need to see your child to the doctor if the green chapter that has happened for more than 5 days and your child looks weak, less willing to eat or drink, and experience weight loss.

Know the Types of Eye Pain in Children and How to Overcome It

Eye pain in children can be caused by various things, ranging from infections, irritations, to birth defects. Children tend to be difficult to express their complaints, therefore parents need to be more introspective in recognizing the type of eye pain that is often experienced by children. As a parent, you must be worried when Little One complains that his eyes hurt. At the same time, you may also feel confused because you do not know what causes your child to experience eye pain and how to treat it. Well, consider the following review so you can help your child relieve eye pain.

Common Eye Pain in Children

Here are some types of eye diseases that are most often experienced by children and how to deal with it:

1. Conjunctivitis

Conjunctivitis is inflammation of the conjunctiva, which is the tissue around the eyes and on the inside of the eyelid. This condition can be caused by viruses, bacteria, allergic reactions, to irritation due to exposure to chemicals, dust, or smoke. Children who experience conjunctivitis can show several symptoms, such as:
  • Being fussy because his eyes are sore or itchy.
  • Puffy eyes.
  • Frequently rubbing or rubbing the eyes because the eyes feel uncomfortable.
  • Watery and red eyes.
  • Crusts appear in the eyes (belek).
Conjunctivitis due to viral and bacterial infections can be easily transmitted to others, whereas conjunctivitis due to irritation or allergic reactions are non-communicable. To treat this condition, the child should be seen by a doctor. The doctor will determine the diagnosis and type of conjunctivitis based on the results of the child's eye examination. After the cause and type of conjunctivitis are known, the doctor will determine the treatment of conjunctivitis according to the cause. If this condition is caused by a bacterial infection, then antibiotic eye drops or eye ointment can be given to overcome it. However, if inflammation is caused by an allergy, the doctor can prescribe an hypo-allergenic drug in the form of eye drops, syrup, or syrup. During the child has this eye pain, there are treatments that can be done at home to help alleviate complaints felt by the Little One. This treatment can take the form of cold compresses interspersed with warm compresses in the eyes and remind children to wash their hands and not rub their eyes.

2. Bintitan

In addition to conjunctivitis, sterility is also a common eye disease in children. These small lumps that grow in or around the eyelid are usually caused by a bacterial infection. Fertilization can occur more easily if the child does not maintain the cleanliness of his eyes or has certain habits, such as rubbing his eyes often with dirty hands. Fortunately, staples can heal and collapse by themselves within 1-2 weeks without treatment. While waiting for the child's condition to improve, you can help relieve the symptoms felt by the child by giving a warm compress for 5-10 minutes to the affected eye. This compress can be repeated 3-4 times a day. Do not forget to always remind your child not to press the bump in his eyes. However, immediately take your child to the ophthalmologist if stubborn continues for 2 weeks, accompanied by fever, swelling and severe pain in the eye, and bleeding or pus from the lump.

3. Orbital cellulitis

This child's eye pain is a condition that requires caution. Orbital cellulitis is a bacterial infection of fat, muscle and bone tissue, around the eyeball. This infection can spread from the sinus cavity (sinusitis) or occur when a child has an injury to the eye. Children who experience eye pain will show some complaints, such as:
  • Swollen and red eyes, making it difficult for children to close their eyes.
  • Fussy because they feel pain in the eyes.
  • Vision is impaired.
  • Fever.
  • Difficult to move the eyeball.
If the child shows some of the symptoms above, immediately take your child to the eye doctor to get the examination and the right treatment. Late treatment can increase the risk of your child experiencing a number of complications, such as meningitis, sepsis, and blindness. To overcome orbital cellulitis in children, the doctor will give antibiotic treatment. In more severe cases or if antibiotic drugs do not succeed in treating eye pain in this child, the doctor needs to perform surgery on the eye.

4. Obstruction of the tear glands

If your child is under 1 year old and has symptoms of continuous tears coming out, swelling around the eyes, eyelids sticking together, and eyes appearing to be crusty, it could be a sign that your child is suffering from blocked tears. This condition is common in a newborn child and will heal itself after he grows up (usually improves after the child is around 1 year old). To alleviate complaints and symptoms felt by the child when he has tears gland obstruction, try to rub or gently massage his eyelids. After a massage, the child's eyes can also be given warm compresses 2-3 times a day. But don't forget, before and after massaging it, make sure you wash your hands thoroughly. In addition to some eye problems above, children can also experience some other eye pain, such as:
  • Refractive disorders of the eye (nearsightedness or farsightedness).
  • Cockeye.
  • Lazy eyes or amblyopia (lazy eyes).
  • Glaucoma.
  • Cataract.
  • Premature retinopathy, which is a disruption in the retina of the baby's eye that occurs due to babies born too fast (under 31 weeks).
Some eye diseases above are generally caused by congenital abnormalities or congenital birth defects that have occurred since the child is still in the womb. When children complain of interference or pain in the eye, try not to panic. If the complaints felt by the child do not improve, immediately bring the child to consult further with an ophthalmologist to get the examination and the right treatment.

Beware, respiratory failure can trigger damage to organs

Respiratory failure is a medical emergency condition that occurs as a result of a serious disturbance in the respiratory system, causing the body to lack oxygen. This condition needs immediate medical attention. If not treated immediately, respiratory failure can cause damage to organs and even death. Respiratory failure occurs when the respiratory system is unable to carry out its function to channel oxygen into the blood and organs of the body, then remove carbon dioxide from the blood. Eventually the body will experience lack of oxygen (hypoxia), which makes almost all organs of the body, such as the lungs, heart and brain, unable to function properly. Meanwhile, the respiratory system also plays a role in removing carbon dioxide in the blood. When respiratory failure occurs, carbon dioxide can accumulate and turn into poisons in the blood, causing tissue and organ damage.

Causes of Breath Failure

Respiratory failure can be caused by many things, including:
  • Lung diseases, such as severe asthma attacks, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), pneumonia, pulmonary embolism, pulmonary edema, and acute respiratory distress syndrome.
  • Disorders of the brain or nerves that regulate respiratory function, such as severe head injuries, strokes, brain tumors, brain herniation, spinal cord disorders, Guillain-Barré syndrome, and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS).
  • Certain diseases or conditions, such as shock, heavy bleeding, sepsis, electrolyte disturbances, and disorders of acid-base balance (acidosis and alkalosis).
  • Injury to the muscles and sternum or spine, so that the respiratory system is disrupted.
  • Acute lung injury, for example due to inhalation of smoke or harmful chemicals that can injure the lungs.
  • Side effects of drugs, such as opioid and painkillers.
In addition, several other conditions, such as poisoning, drug overdose, sleep apnea (sleep apnea), and diabetic ketoacidosis, can also be a cause of respiratory failure.

Symptoms of respiratory failure

When a person experiences respiratory failure, several signs and symptoms can occur including:
  • Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath, so difficult to speak.
  • Quick breathing.
  • Chest pounding.
  • Coughs.
  • Breath sounds, such as wheezing or stridor.
  • Limp.
  • Pale skin and sweat a lot.
  • Restless and in a daze.
  • Bluish fingers or lips (cyanosis).
  • Lost consciousness or faint.
If there is shortness of breath accompanied by some of the signs and symptoms above, then a person needs to be taken immediately to the nearest emergency room hospital. This could be a sign of respiratory failure that needs to be immediately examined and treated by a doctor.

Handling of Breath Failures You Need to Know

A person who experiences respiratory failure needs to be treated immediately by a doctor at the hospital emergency room. After getting first aid given and the patient's condition is stable, the patient will need further treatment in the intensive care unit (ICU). When experiencing respiratory failure, sufferers of these serious conditions need to get respiratory assistance through:
  • Oxygen therapy to increase oxygen levels in the blood. Providing oxygen through nasal tubes or nasal cannulas and oxygen masks.
  • Tracheostomy, which is a procedure performed to place a tube in your throat as an artificial airway, so that patients can breathe more easily.
  • Mechanical ventilation, which is a technique to provide breathing assistance by using a ventilator machine. Patients with respiratory failure generally require the installation of a breathing device in the form of an endotracheal tube or endotracheal tube / ETT through intubation or tracheostomy before the ventilator is fitted.
When breathing assistance is given, the doctor will also provide treatment to overcome various conditions or diseases that cause respiratory failure. For example, if respiratory failure is caused by pneumonia or sepsis, the doctor will give antibiotics to treat the infection. Meanwhile, if respiratory failure is triggered by asthma or narrowing of the airway, the doctor will give a bronchodilator to relieve breathing. However, if respiratory failure is caused by swelling of the lungs, the doctor can give a diuretic to remove fluid from the lungs. The patient's recovery rate depends on several factors, such as age, the underlying cause of respiratory failure, how quickly the patient gets treated, and the presence or absence of the disease or complications that accompany.

Complications of respiratory failure

Conditions of respiratory failure that do not get treated as early as possible at high risk of causing complications or damage to various organs of the body, such as:

1. Lungs

Respiratory failure can cause pulmonary fibrosis, pneumothorax, and chronic respiratory failure. In patients with respiratory failure who have chronic lung disease, breathing aids may need to be used for life to help meet their oxygen needs.

2. Heart

Breathing failure can trigger heart attacks, heart failure, and heartbeat rhythm abnormalities or arrhythmias due to lack of oxygen to the heart.

3. Kidney

Respiratory failure that makes oxygen deficient can cause acute kidney failure. Damaged and disturbed kidney function can worsen electrolyte disturbances and acid base disorders.

4. Brain

Breath failure that causes lack of oxygen can make brain cells damaged. This condition can develop into a coma until death.

5. Digestive system

Respiratory failure can trigger bleeding in the digestive tract, as well as disorders of the stomach and intestines. If handled late, respiratory failure can cause permanent organ damage that can be fatal. Therefore, this condition needs to be examined immediately by a doctor at the hospital. After getting emergency treatment, the doctor will do a physical examination and support to determine the diagnosis and find the cause of respiratory failure. Examinations to be carried out include blood tests, blood gas analysis, and radiological examinations, such as X-rays or CT scans and MRIs on organs suspected of being damaged. Only then can the doctor treat respiratory failure according to the disease or accompanying condition.

Recognize the wrong attachment of breastfeeding and how to fix it

The success of the breastfeeding process depends on the latch-on when the baby is breastfeeding. If the attachment is not correct, your child will find it difficult to get breast milk optimally. The mother can also feel the impact, such as pain in the nipples. And if this condition is not immediately corrected, then the production of Breast milk can be reduced. Sticking is the moment when the baby inserts the nipple and areola (the dark area around the nipple) into the mouth and begins to suck the milk that comes out of the breast. Doing it is not as easy as saying it. Some mothers and babies have experienced obstacles in attachment to breastfeeding. Recognize the following signs of breastfeeding attachment that are not correct.
  • When suckling, the nipple and areola do not enter completely into the baby's mouth.
  • If your child only sucks a few times and then immediately falls asleep, it may also be wrong attachment.
  • The Little Wriggled when suckling.
  • After completing breastfeeding, the tip of the nipple looks sharp. This may be because the nipple does not enter far enough into the baby's mouth when suckling, so the mother's nipple is stuck in the baby's gums.
  • Mother's breast nipples hurt when breastfeeding. If this happens, do not continue because it can cause breast nipple pain. Gently insert your baby's finger into the baby's mouth to give enough space so the mother can pull the nipple.

Correct Improper Adhesion

Breastfeeding attachment skills depend on the baby's ability to position the mother's nipples in her mouth. Actually, naturally, babies have the instinct to do that. However, it is not uncommon for difficulties in sticking to be caused by various factors. One of the most common reasons is that babies don't know how to use mother's breasts to get food. In this condition, you are advised to take the following steps to improve adhesion:
  • Recognize the early signs of hunger in infants. Like Little One might suck his fist, lips, or fingers. Other cues can be rooting reflexes, which are normal reflexes in newborns when their lips or cheeks are touched, so they automatically turn around and their mouth makes them suck. Meanwhile, crying is a sign of hunger for too long.
  • Immediately breastfeed the baby if he shows early signs of hunger. So that Little will not be angry when he tried several times to stick to be perfect. Don't wait until he cries starving because it can be even harder to start breastfeeding.
  • Mother is ready to stick. Hold the baby with one hand. Use the other hand to hold the breast, with the thumb above and the other fingers below, forming the letter "C".
  • When the baby's mouth is wide open, thrust the breast into the baby's mouth with quick movements. So that the mother can do it quickly, move your arms and baby toward the breast, instead of bending the mother's body to approach the baby. Try to get the nipple far enough into his mouth, and his lips cover the area of ​​the areola. If the breast is well attached to the baby's mouth, the mother no longer needs to hold the breast.
  • Avoid using pacifiers, baby gloves, or swaddling all the baby's hands. This action can prevent the mother from reading the signs of hunger Little.
If the mother has followed the steps to improve breastfeeding attachment above, but is still experiencing obstacles, do not hesitate to consult with a lactation consultant. He can check whether the position and sticking is good, and whether there are complications in breastfeeding that need to be addressed. Breastfeeding with the right attachment can be the most valuable experience between mother and baby.

Finding Out About the Signs of High Cholesterol

Uncontrolled high cholesterol levels can cause dangerous diseases, such as stroke, heart attack, and peripheral arterial disease (PAD). Therefore, it is important for you to know the signs of high cholesterol in order to avoid these diseases. Actually cholesterol is not always bad for your body, because actually the body needs these substances to support metabolic processes, build new cells, help produce vitamin D, and form hormones. Unfortunately, unhealthy lifestyles are often the main factor causing increased levels of cholesterol in the blood. If this condition continues, cholesterol will form plaque that can inhibit blood flow, thus triggering heart disease and blood vessels.

Signs of High Cholesterol

Indeed there are no "typical" complaints that can describe high levels of cholesterol with certainty. Even so, there are some symptoms that are often felt when a person experiences high cholesterol, including:

1. Pain in the neck

Although it can be caused by many things, such as muscle and nerve pain, in fact this complaint is quite often experienced by people who experience high cholesterol. This is associated with plaque buildup in blood vessels in the neck area. Plaque buildup can block the flow of blood in the neck and head to the brain.

2. Easily feel tired and painful in the legs

Plaque in blood vessels that appear as a result of high cholesterol levels in the blood can cause reduced blood flow to body tissues. This is what ultimately makes high cholesterol sufferers more easily feel tired. In addition, if this plaque buildup occurs in a vein in the leg, then the sufferer's foot area can feel heavy, painful, and even sore as if burning.

3. Pain in the chest

When cholesterol levels are too high, plaque buildup can also occur in the heart's blood vessels. This can interfere, even inhibit blood flow to the heart. One complaint that generally arises due to this is pain in the chest. Even if the blockage is total, this can cause a heart attack.

Prevents high cholesterol

To avoid the effects of high cholesterol which can be dangerous, you are advised to take the following preventative steps:

1. Adjust your diet

One way that can be done to prevent high cholesterol is to regulate a healthier diet. Start by reducing the amount of consumption of saturated and trans fats, which are contained in fast food. Instead, choose foods that are low in fat or contain healthy fats, such as fish, boiled or roasted chicken breasts, low-fat milk, beans, and green vegetables.

2. Stop smoking

Smoking can increase the risk of cholesterol plaque forming in blood vessels. Therefore, stop smoking to reduce the risk of accumulation of plaque due to high cholesterol.

3. Exercise regularly

In addition to doing both of the above, to prevent an increase in cholesterol levels and help reduce cholesterol levels you are also advised to exercise regularly. Signs of high cholesterol can sometimes not be felt directly. So if you have risk factors such as unhealthy habits or eating patterns, smoking, obesity, or have experienced the complaints described above, do a health check with your doctor regularly. This is needed to determine cholesterol levels and prevent complications due to high cholesterol levels.
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